Sunday, August 02, 2009

I Disappear

Not one of Metallica's better songs, but not one of their worst. It was decent.

Yes, I haven't been updating much as of late. This blog is a side thing, not my life. It's not only the only blog I keep - there's my author blog, the live journal for friends, etc etc. Sadly, it's one that gets shoved aside when I'm in rocky health seas. I'm not sure that allusion made sense, but the point is, hopefully you can find your answers in the archives when I can't get out of bed.

I'm feeling better, but I'm disabling comments while I'm away this week, taking my frustrations over my health out on whomever gets in my way on the battlefield at Pennsic. I'll be back next week. Until then, surf the archives for your answers, and good luck!


babs m said...

Good for you! Glad you took time to attend the Wars. That's not too far from my house--what an awesome sight, all the tents and interesting folk.

Britni Patterson said...

Woo hoo! I was on the field at Pennsic too for Atlantia.

(I just found your blog and I'm burning through the archives. Nice to meet you!)